Bucket List: Testify Before Congress?

Cynthia Kay

Bucket List: Testify Before Congress?

Speaking before the House of Representative Committee on Small Business was not exactly on my bucket list, but maybe it should have been. This past week I got a rare invitation to testify on behalf of the National Small Business Association. So, I decided to make the trip to Washington, DC. It was not exactly an easy trip. The weather was terrible and what should have been a 3 hour plane ride turned into an almost 14 hour ordeal. To be honest, I started to think I would not make it. But I did and I am glad I made the effort. The Committee on Small Business was intrigued by the NSBA’s Year-End Economic Report which was recently released. The Report looks at current conditions for small business and compares the results to six months ago, as well as provides trending data. While the data shows that there is more confidence in the economy, the majority of small businesses still report that next year will be flat or recessionary. I covered a number of topics in the testimony including the need for broad reform of the entire tax code, access to capital and extending important tax provisions for small businesses. Chairman Chabot and the staff run a tight ship. While written testimony can be extensive the oral testimony is five, fast minutes. So much to say, so little time. There were four on the panel and each brought a different perspective to the discussion on the state of small business and entrepreneurship. After all had provided their five minute testimony there was a time for questions by members of the Small Business Subcommittee. It would be hard for me to share what happened so I hope that you will take the time to watch. Go here: http://smallbusiness.house.gov/videos/ Sometimes I wonder if the work that so many are doing to try and advocate for small business is making a difference. Honestly, I don’t know. But, if you don’t step out and try and then I believe you can’t complain. That’s why I made the trip. Small businesses need the environment to grow and create jobs—frankly, we need lawmakers who are willing to tackle the major issues facing our country, and do it together. Hopefully, I encouraged them to do that on behalf of all the members of the National Small Business Association… and all small businesses.