Kirk Dando, "The Company Whisperer" on Coaching and Getting Coached
Kirk Dando,
There are coaches and there are consultants, Kirk Dando, our guest tonight, straddles both worlds because he believes that the CEO and the organization are like a team of jockey and the horse. Both need to perform optimally in that symbiotic relationship. We need to address their problems as a team in the context of the business to get results. Kirk should know that given his high profile clientel of brand name CEOs. He is a highly sought after and well-respected leadership and growth expert who is referred as “The Company Whisperer” by his executive clients. Among his achievements, Kirk has helped scale and sell a billion-dollar company. Has worked with more than 5,000 executives in over two decades – including eight Ernst & Young Entrepreneurs of the Year and several “Best CEO” winners helping them overcome common business pitfalls to unlock explosive growth. Kirk has a stunning track record of causing breakthrough growth for companies that face problems stemming from their own success. Audiences relate to his real-world stories and high-energy, no-nonsense style as he demonstrates how leaders can predict problems before they show up in the results. Coaches like him are a rare breed. He combines the raw emotion felt by leaders with the real-world actions needed to achieve and sustain success. Forget complicated theories and bogus acronyms; Kirk gets to the heart of the matter to help leaders create real change in the lives of their employees, shareholders and themselves. So folks here is Kirk sharing his insights on how to be a better coach and how to better engage a coach.