CEOs and Heart Disease
Ramona Fasula

Charlie Bell, CEO of McDonalds, (60 years old) Ranjan Das, CEO of SAP India, (42 years old) and Jerald Fishman, CEO of Analog Services (67 years old) - What do these men have in common? The world lost them way too soon to a disease that is becoming all too common among CEOs. Heart disease.
The biggest killer worldwide among executives, accounting for over 60% of Medicare costs and death is heart attacks. CEOs work long and hard to achieve this level of success, and enjoy the many perks that go along with it, but at a great cost to their personal health.
There are eight prevalent risk factors of heart disease that we all must be paying attention to, six which are within our control. These include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, being overweight, being physically inactive, age, and having a family history of heart disease. Unfortunately, statistics show that CEOs are suffering from many of these risk factors.
- 82.05% of CEOs were found to be considered overweight
- 35.90% of CEOs were found to have high blood pressure
- 12.82% of CEOs were found to be diabetic
- 23.08% of CEOs were found to have high cholesterol
- 69.23% of CEO’s were found to be in hopelessly poor physical fitness condition. 58.97% were unable to touch their toes, 61.54% were unable to do a single push up or sit up & 28.20% had never exercised since their childhood.
Of course, we cannot discuss heart disease without discussing stress.
- 100% of CEOs suffer from some sort of stress ailment, including headaches, asthma, ulcers, and backaches.
The good news is that a majority of these factors are diet-related and controllable. The key is to be aware of what you’re eating. 51.28% of CEOs subsist on a high fat diet, of butter, eggs, cheese, meat, and sugary desserts. Unhealthy snacking has become a mainstay due to a CEO’s hectic schedule. As a result, over 56% of CEOs are taking medication to overcome ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which often have troubling side effects. Making smart food choices and being more physically active are powerful tools against these serious health conditions.
So with a hectic schedule, constant traveling, and every other pressure that goes along with this job, how does a CEO adopt a truly healthy lifestyle? Health Coaches have become a very valuable resource for those who are struggling to adopt healthy lifestyles. They provide the motivation and empowerment to help others reach their health goals. They specialize in everything from nutrition to work life balance. Knowing that someone is there for you 24/7 to help you make the right choices can go a long way in preventing serious health conditions. It is like having a personal assistant for your health. A healthy CEO benefits everyone within the company. With a little help and a lot of dedication, these health conditions can become a thing of the past.
Source of Statistics: Apollo’s Computerized Health Scan
About the Author
Ramona Fasula is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and owner of a company called Wellness by Ramona. Her company teaches clients the link between nutrition and wellness and how to use food as medicine. Focusing on disease management and prevention through nutritional counseling, healthy cooking classes, meal planning, and pantry makeovers, clients are given the motivation and empowerment to reach their health goals and move towards a truly healthy lifestyle. Ramona is currently in the process of building her second company, which focuses on top level executives-helping them optimize their health, so they can optimize their business performance.